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What Means to be a Global Citizen

For me, a global citizen is a person that is open minded and has an understanding of the world, other cultures and other's needs.  Someone that participates in shaping the world to what we want it to be. For me, a world that is just, full with opportunities and equality. A place with no war, where governments actually work with other countries to create the best world it can be. A society that values nature and is more aware of others and the effects that certain actions have on them and the environment. A society that works together with government to improve their situation. A place where human rights are respected, with no discrimination, where countries respect and implement basic rights to food, shelter, and health (including clean water) in an equitative way.


My international experience has provided me with the understanding and education of different cultures. It has also taught me to be open minded and non-judgmental of those that do not share my same culture or beliefs, the importance of respect. However it has also allowed me to see many things, between those many injustices, it has made me aware of the different issues around the world. My education has provided me with the knowledge and understanding of the different social determinants of health and the barriers that come with them.

From these knowledge and understanding I have taken charge to make a difference and fight for injustices, advocate for those that are not heard, get involved in the community, and improve the world I live in.

What inspires me the most to continue changing the world, are the people that keep supporting me or fighting to survive, live, and enjoy life. Those people that despite of their situations or resources share with you what they have. 

From my experience in Peru those that inspired me the most were the children and youth with whom we were working. Their initiative and capacity to make change happen when given the opportunity.  From them, I learned this:


"Youth are the present, by saying that we are the future, you are making us invisible". 

In the next video I talk about the importance of this quote:

However for me is not all about people and issues, what also inpires me is the places, culture, nature, achitecture and the constant learning and growing we do. Trying new things and challenging ourselves to getting out of our comfort zones. Enjoying nature, valuing what we have and protecting it.
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